10 Ways To Celebrate #WorldVeganDay

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November 1st marks World Vegan Day and the start of World Vegan Month, where all of us join in to celebrate all things plant-based and the wonderful benefits of a vegan lifestyle, from saving the planet to being kind to animals and your own health. Whether you’re a long-time herbivore or a budding flexitarian, here are some ideas to inspire you to celebrate this month of the vegan!

1) Host A Vegan Lunch At Work & School

Source: Unsplash

Gather your friends at school and university or at work for a lunch made entirely from plants! There are now plenty of places that cater to vegan requests, or visit a plant-based restaurant. You can even host a “potluck” style buffet lunch where every person brings a vegan dish for all to share!

2) Gather Your Friends For A Vegan Dinner Party

Source: Big Dill

It’s always a great time to plan a party – and what better excuse do you need than World Vegan Month? Set up a group chat and make some phone calls to pin down a weekend where all your best friends can come together for an all vegan party! From vegan canapés to mini plant-based burgers and pizzas, the options for a vegan dinner party are endless. Or you could search online for a vegan party event that someone else is already hosting (the second Vegan Block Party is coming up, everyone)!

3) Take Part In A Vegan Outreach Activity

Source: PETA

Perhaps you’re already a dedicated vegan for many years. For something special this year to celebrate this years’ vegan month, try participating in an outreach activity to convince and encourage more people to go plant-based. You could either share your own experience or educate others about all the great reasons for going vegan. If there aren’t existing events around, why not start your own?

4) Share Your Vegan Recipes On Social Media

Source: Better Nature

Some of us are natural cooks, others…not so much. If you happen to be a part of the talented camp, you could share some of your favourite plant-based recipes with the rest of us by posting them on Facebook or Instagram. Even seasoned chefs could get some inspiration from your creative plant filled dishes! We have some of our favourites here.

5) Challenge Your Friends To A Vegan Month

World Vegan Month is no doubt the best time to challenge your friends or family members who haven’t quite opened up to a long-time commitment for a month of eating only plants! As the expert, you can help guide them on what to cook, where to buy what and which vegan staples are your favourite. If you’re also a newbie, then take this opportunity to encourage and help each other during the challenge. 

6) Support A Vegan Business

Source: Freepik

There are lots of dedicated vegan companies out there selling a range of items from plant-based food to vegan fashion accessories and beauty products. This month, dare yourself to only buy from companies that have vegan-friendly and cruelty-free offerings! 

7) Volunteer At An Animal Rescue Or Shelter

Source: Humane Society US

Yes, you will be saving animals by ditching meat and animal derived products. But you can enlarge your positive impact by visiting an animal rescue organisation and perhaps lend them a hand. From helping to clean horse stables or walking abandoned dogs, helping animals goes hand in hand with the vegan mission. 

8) Watch A Vegan Documentary

Source: Freepik

Netflix and chill…vegan style, anyone? There are lots of new documentaries showcasing the wonders of adopting a plant-based diet and lifestyle, from the health advantages to the ethical reasons and the smaller environmental footprint you’ll leave behind. November is the perfect month to learn a few new facts related to veganism.

9) Indulge In A Glass Of Vegan Wine

Source: Pexels

Did you know that not all wines are vegan? The most commonly used fining agents during the wine production process are casein derived from milk protein, albumin from egg whites, gelatin from animal protein or insinglass, a fish bladder protein. Thankfully, there are some vegan-friendly wines out there that use plant-based fining agents such as limestone, silica gel, kaolin clay – just check your local health food store and some restaurants have them in stock! Get some vegan cheese too

10) Plan A Vegan Trip Abroad

Source: Pexels

The best month to go on a vegan trip abroad, World Vegan Month, of course! Don’t fret if you’re not sure how to navigate your plant-based way through your adventures, we have our Green Queen Travel Guides to help you along. Plus, we’ve got some tips on how to travel responsibly too!

Lead image courtesy of Adobe Images.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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