We Tried & Tested ZeroYet100, Hong Kong’s First Toxin-Free Deodorant: It’s A Winner

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As the notorious Hong Kong humidity rears its ugly head for yet another sweltering summer, many of us will have to deal with the unfortunate, unpleasant – and sometimes unsightly – b.o. that accompanies our tropical climate. Though sweating is a natural process for the body to cool itself, keeping the body fresh and odor free all day can be a real challenge when the air feels like a sauna.

Commercial Deodorant Is NOT Good For You (Or Your Kids)

Considering we don products like lotion and chapstick everyday, it’s surprising how little we really think about them after purchase. Deodorant is one of those habitual products. Your ally and defense – whether in a convenient spray, roll on, or traditional stick – it’s shocking to know what you reach for daily could be harmful to your health. Many commercial deodorants carry a slew of toxins, hormone disruptors, potential carcinogens, and even pesticides in large quantities. This is a product you apply directly to a part of your body where your lymph nodes are located, aka your armpits. Your lymph nodes connect to your lymph system, which helps you fight infections, bacteria and viruses among many other functions. Filling them with toxic ingredients is not the best plan.

The ZeroYet100 Deodorant Story

In 2015, Anita Patel was having issues with the deodorant she was using. An avid gym goer, the Hong Kong native was using chemical deodorants up to five times a day to mask a natural reaction from excessive workouts to no avail. Complaining to longtime friend, Sheetal Avlani, during one of their many hikes together about the lack of safe deodorants that actually work, the two decided to handcraft their own. Two years later, Anita and Sheetal turned their idea into ZeroYet100, an effective, natural deodorant free of hormone disruptors, aluminum, parabens, and toxins. Anita and Sheetal spent over a year conducting market research to determine ZeroYet100 was perfect for hormonal teenagers (and we know the stink on adolescent body odor is real) and nursing mothers. “We talked to breastfeeding moms who have stopped using deodorant altogether because their infants will stick their tiny hands into their armpits,” recalls Anita. “They’re wearing chemical deodorants, it’s there and then the kids are putting their hands in their mouths.”

ZeroYet100: What’s In it

Containing nothing synthetic yet totally effective, as their tagline suggests, the successful formula is a carefully curated selection based on their healing abilities to fight bad bacteria and absorb moisture, keeping you feeling fresh, dry and confident all day long.

The product offers a gentle, non-irritating underarm solution made with less than 15 easily recognizable ingredients like coconut oil, Shea butter, witch hazel, aloe vera and essential oils. “Learning about that made it so much more important for us to create a product where even if an infant puts it in their mouth, it’s still safe,” explains Anita. As such, ZeroYet100 has obtained the notable Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) Mark Certification to ensure the highest quality standards.

You May Need An ArmPit Detox

Throughout the time developing their product, Anita and Sheetal learned that some people can have an adverse effect using natural deodorant when their bodies become accustomed to using chemical deodorants for a prolonged length of time – as was the case with Anita’s 13-year-old daughter, who developed a rash using the synthetic-free formula. Determined to restore the skin’s natural pH levels, both moms also created the Detox Pack to complement the deodorant, a spreadable clay paste made with bentonite clay and diatomaceous to draw out toxins accumulated from prolonged use of chemical-based products. A week later, Anita’s daughter was rash-free using ZeroYet100 with zero problems.

Green Queen Takes ZeroYet100 For A Test Drive – Spoiler Alert: It Works!

With a choice of a solid stick or pot, I opt to try the deodorant pot that can last up to 50 uses. Light gray in a semi-firm, pliable substance, you scoop out a pea-sized amount using a spatula provided on your fingers and rub into the underarms until clear. There is a subtle lemongrass scent that leaves me feeling clean and confident throughout a day of going to the gym, running errands, and teaching a pole class throughout this 76 percent humidity. Booyah! For something that you use every single day, it is in your best interest to use the safest, cleanest option. The top underarm armor that I’ve come in contact with, ZeroYet100 is the best bet for your sweat.

ZeroYet100’s Eco Credentials

Full size ZeroYet100 products come in metal or glass containers- both of which are recyclable, making it a low-waste, plastic-free* deodorant solution (they do have a smaller plastic stick size but we avoid it and are campaigning for them to discontinue it 🙂 ). Commercial deodorants containers/packaging (especially sprays) cannot be recycled in Hong Kong. Further, ZeroYet100 does not contain toxic ingredients that can pollute our groundwater as compared to commercial deodorants, which are full of substances that end up in our rivers, oceans and lakes and affect plant and animal wildlife. ZeroYet100 is also vegan-friendly and cruelty-free! Lastly, we love that ZeroYet100 products are made locally in Hong Kong by two moms. Support local SMEs!

Order ZeroYet100 online or come try it out at this year’s Evolution Asia Yoga Conference from June 7 – 10 at HKCEC. 

*2020 Update: the paper sticks have packaging that uses adhesive and stickers that do contain plastic.

Images courtesy of Pexels (lead) and ZeroYet100. 


  • Jenny Star Lor

    Jenny Star Lor is Green Queen’s resident eco wellness writer. She is passionate about reducing her carbon footprint, loves all things fitness and enjoys tasting her way through Hong Kong’s veggie dining options. Originally from Los Angeles, she now calls Hong Kong home. Previously, she wrote and reported for global publications such as The Hollywood Reporter and US Weekly. She is also a passionate pole dancer and teaches classes across Hong Kong.

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