Over Half of Americans Say Future of Food Is Plant-Based – New Poll

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More than half of Americans believe that the future of food is plant-based, a new consumer poll has found.

A new survey conducted by The Harris Poll reveals that over half of American consumers see plant-based foods as a trend here to stay. The polling, commissioned by vegan food tech Alpha Foods, saw 52% of all respondents agree to the statement, with the figure rising to 61% among those who are already plant-forward eaters. 

Consumers who had already tried plant-based foods viewed it as part of their long-term lifestyle, with 83% saying they are going to either maintain or increase consumption of plant-based items in the future. 

Flexitarianism on the rise

Among the over 2,000 American adults surveyed, 51% have already tried or are interested in adopting a flexitarian diet. Younger generations were the most receptive, with nearly 60% of Gen Zs and 56% of millennials fitting into the category. These results fit into broader global trends, which suggest around 4 in 10 consumers around the world are now flexitarian. 

Over a third (35%) of all respondents described themselves as “plant-curious” and two-thirds (66%) said they have already tried plant-based foods. The main drivers were health (64%) and sustainability (29%). 

Interestingly, Latino and Black Americans were even more likely to have tried plant-based foods compared to the general American population, with 78% and 74% having done so respectively, against the 66% average recorded overall. 

Related: Gen Z are spending more on food than anything else and prioritise conscious brands

Plant-based community matters

One of the key findings from the poll was that Americans are seeking healthy, more sustainable options, but inclusivity, when it comes to plant-based dietary choices. 

Nearly two-thirds (65%) said they had altered their diets due to stigma or judgement, but 75% said they were actually craving inclusiveness and flexibility and would “rather not label my food choices under a certain diet”. 

For Alpha Foods CEO and co-founder Cole Orobetz, this was a finding especially pertinent to his brand, which was created to “making plant-based food accessible to all, with no judgement, wherever they are on their plant-based food journey.” 

“Judgement and food stigma are rife in our culture as this report shows,” added Orobetz, who is himself a self-described flexitarian. “We’re looking for places of inclusivity, connection and comfort.”

That’s why, according to the survey, Americans are actually looking for low-barrier settings to try new plant-based foods. 88% said they would like to eat plant-based meals as part of a social setting, such as dinner parties and work events. 

Orobetz says one of the most “exciting” findings was that those who are trying plant-based foods are also beginning to form a community focused on well-being. “Plant-based food eaters are more likely to support local business, minimize waste, support minority-owned business and engage in meditation or mental health exercises,” he shares. 

All images courtesy of Alpha Foods.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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