IN PHOTOS: Student Climate Strikes Sweep Across Asia – As It Happened

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Youth in Asia and the Pacific went on strike for the planet this past Friday September 20 2019, part of 16-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg ‘Fridays For Future’ campaign, to demand climate justice. Millions took to the streets as students from all over the world joined in the third internationally coordinated Global Climate Strike to demand an end to fossil fuels. Throughout Asia and the Pacific, strikes were carried out everywhere from rural towns to urban cities, brandishing signs like “There Is No Planet B” to urge governments to take climate change seriously. View our gallery from Kathmandu to Manila, photos of the students as it happened in cities across the region.

Solomon Islands, The Pacific

Source: Agent 350 / Twitter

Schoolchildren arriving at the climate strike organised by the Matagi Malohi group.

Sydney, Australia 

Source: VOA News

Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathering in Sydney to call for climate action.

Brisbane, Australia 

Source: VOA News

Student strikers take over roads and bridges in Brisbane to demand more action from the Australian government.

Tokyo, Japan

Source: Ryusei Takahashi / Japan Times

Protesters holding up a banner and marching around Shibuya Ward in Tokyo.

Seoul, Korea

Source: Ed Jones / AFP

Environmental activists, joined by students, host a performance as part of a global climate strike in Korea’s capital city.

Hong Kong

Source: AP Photos

No large scale student strikes were organised in Hong Kong this year, but around 100 turned up at a last-minute event led by 350 Hong Kong and Waste Free Hong Kong at the Central Ferry Piers.

Manila, Philippines

Source: Geric Gruz / Greenpeace

Marinel Ubaldo, super-typhoon Haiyan survivor, protesting outside the Philippine headquarters of Shell to call for climate justice in Manila.

Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Source: Youth 4 Climate Philippines

Youth from Ilocos Norte hosting a climate strike after their coastal cleanup activity as part of Youth 4 Climate Philippines.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Source: 350 Indonesia / Twitter

Children partake in the Fridays for Future strike in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Source: CNA / Media Asia

A climate change rally joined by students lying on the ground as part of a “die-in”, symbolising collective grief over biodiversity loss and damage caused by climate change events at the Speakers’ Corner in Singapore.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Source: Firdaus Latif / Malay Mail

Kuala Lumpur also saw a high turnout of young protesters marching and chanting for climate justice.

Bangkok, Thailand

Source: Climate Strike Thailand

Youth in Bangkok march to Thailand’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resource, holding placards and chanting slogans for climate justice.

New Delhi, India

Source: AP

A young shouts slogans in front of India’s Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in New Delhi as part of their climate strike.

Kathmandu, Nepal

Source: Power Shift Nepal

Organised by Power Shift Nepal, students from the Kathmandu Xavier’s Public School joins many other schools to call for a shift to renewable energy.

This article is a part of Green Queen’s collaboration in the Covering Climate Now project, a week-long initiative to raise global awareness of our planet’s climate emergency. 

Lead image courtesy of Thai News Pix.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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