Green Queen Loves: Eat Fresh Organic e-GreenGrocery Delivery

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If you haven’t heard of Eat Fresh yet, you must be living under a (proverbial) organic rock. Originally a mom trio who wanted to organize local & organic veggie deliveries, Eat Fresh is now a powerhouse of organic grocery shopping run by Mia Man, a Certified Plant-based Food Chef and Board Certified Health Coach,  and Martina Bin, who grew up on an organic farm in Italy. Mia and Martina took the green Hong Kong world by storm last year, their smiling faces and colorful array of juicy organic fruits and vegetables popping at events and markets all over town. 


What’s on offer 

Eat Fresh has a brand new, easy-t0-use e-commerce site where you can pick and choose organic vegetables depending on what you need and like. They have a variety of super convenient selection packs such as their seasonal Detox bags, seasonal mixed juicing bags and a seasonal fruit & veg subscription bag. As well as the usual suspects, Eat Fresh has a selection of unique and hard-to-find items such as organic aloe vera leaves, organic curly kale, organic swiss chard and organic (in conversion) oranges.


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What else do they stock?

On top of fresh fruits and vegetables, Eat Fresh has a large selection of organic & healthy grocery items. 


In their Organic Kitchen Pantry section, you can find: 

  • Choice Cooperative gluten free and vegan bread loaves and buns
  • Pure Swell raw & blended superfood drinks including green juices and nut mylks
  • -Organic and free range Ecocert certified eggs
  • Stephen James Organics Pink Himalayan salt, volcanic Pilli nuts, organic raw energy bars, Carazuc coconut flower sugar
  • -Villa Blanca Organic extra virgin olive oil
  • -Cafe Punta del Cielo organic coffee beans & ground coffee

In their Organic Living section, you can find: 

  • Eco-Tan personal care products including deodorant, body wash and the only 100% organic tanning lotion made with cacao powder
  • Native Essentials aromatherapy oil blends


Why eat organic?

Choosing to buy organic vegetables from Eat Fresh may not seem like a political action but it is. By doing so, you are using your hard-earned money to vote green, clean and local. You are supporting local businesses. You are helping farmers survive. You are conserving Hong Kong’s farmland. You are alleviating air pollution (more plants = cleaner air). You are ensuring your family consumes nutritious and toxin-free food. You are saying no to polluted, air-mile heavy food. You are taking a stand against the industrialization of food. You are protecting the planet’s future. 

Local & organic is fresher, tastes better, packs more of a nutrition punch- with Eat Fresh‘s fantastic service offering, there is no reason not to. 


Learn more about Eat Fresh’s organic certification

Eat Fresh supplies local organic vegetables from a variety of Hong Kong farms. Talking to Mia and Martina, their affection for the farmers they work with is abundantly clear- they visit them all regularly and know each and every one’s quirks and personal stories. You can check out the full list and learn more about the farmers themselves here.

Whilst Hong Kong has no official government sponsored organic certification programme, we do have the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC), an independent and non profit certification body that began in 2002 and works in collaboration with Hong Kong Baptist University. They provide a voluntary organic certification scheme (HKORC-Cert) that is accredited by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), a global body dedicated to promoting international organic agricultural standards. All of the farms that supply Eat Fresh are certified by HKORC. 


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What’s in store for Eat Fresh

Eat Fresh is super passionate about promoting healthy eating and green living in Hong Kong and they collaborate with many of the players in the city’s green scene to do so. On top of continuing to source new local & artisanal products for their organic e-Greengrocery offering, some of the exciting projects they are working on include: 

  • -Working with our Green Queen Heroes Chef Priscilla Soligo through education and cookery workshops
  • -Partnering with healthy meal delivery service Something Fresh to provide organic & vegan takeaway dishes designed by Chef Mia
  • -Collaborating with Bejuiced on Hong Kong’s first seasonal local & organic juicing range


Eat Fresh x Green Queen 

We are also proud to announce that Eat Fresh is Made in HK Local Artisans Pop Up by Green Queen’s official sponsor! Visit their stall this Saturday March 15th at The Space to check out all their amazing organic products. 


All photos courtesy of Eat Fresh. 


  • Sonalie Figueiras

    2021 Women of Power, 2019 GEN T Honoree, V Label Global Hero, 2 x TEDx Speaker: Serial social entrepreneur & trends forecaster Sonalie Figueiras is a sustainability expert, food futurist and eco-powerhouse who has been inspiring global audiences for over a decade with practical steps on how to fight climate change. Known as the Green Queen of Asia, she is the founder and Editor in Chief of the award-winning Green Queen - the region’s first impact media platform that educates millions of readers on the connection between health, sustainability and the environment and showcases future solutions. She is also the co-founder and CEO of organic sourcing platform Ekowarehouse and climate tech SaaS Source Green, which helps consumer brands quit plastic packaging thanks to proprietary plastic reduction software. In addition, Sonalie is a global keynote speaker and an advisor to multiple mission-driven startups and NGOs, and a venture partner to several VC funds.

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