Healing Energies: Realign Your Energy & Set Your Intentions For 2020

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Here we are in the year 2020! It’s hard for me not to talk about the energy flow for this new year without touching on numerology. Numerology is a system of numbers and number patterns that acts like a dictionary but instead of words, we use numbers to look up definitions. A pattern of numbers are like words put together in sentences. It’s a wonderful and practical tool to read the energy for people, the type of year you could have and offer realistic choices around how you want to experience it. I emphasise the word “choice” because numerology values free will.

Each year, this system of numbers gives us insight to what the energy of world looks like for the year with one number, meaning this is a number that affects everyone and everything that lives in it. Last year (2019) was the year of the “3” which is a number of community, lack of structure, flexibility, extreme moodiness and spontaneity – to put simply, it’s a pretty chaotic type of year, which I think many people especially in Hong Kong, could agree with. 

2020 is the year of the number “4” which represents stability, creating solid foundations, patience and observance. If we’re having trouble with any of the things the “4” represents, then that’s an opportunity for us to focus and heal around this year. 2020 is the year to see things from an objective view (or learn how to), plan with a vivid vision and then gradually take steps with patience to lay the foundation so that it is strong and confident. 

In short, the global energy of 2020 should be a lot more stable than the last. I encourage people and businesses to use this year to reflect on their identity and see if that’s something they are happy with. If not, then it’s the perfect year to take the opportunity to rebuild yourself or restructure your business (if you’re the owner) so that it’s in alignment with who you are, your beliefs, and your company’s mission.

You can see 2020 as an invitation to redefine yourself (and or your business) for the next 10 years. And remember, you’re doing this for YOU, not how it would look like to the world. 

I’d like to share a mini-exercise that you can do yourself as a self-coaching and healing practice this year.

1) Take a few minutes to sit with a few practices that represent this year.

Here are some examples: 

  • Practice non-judgment / being less critical of yourself and others.
  • Be more patient.
  • Become more observant and noticing small details.
  • Avoid jumping to conclusions or making assumptions, hear the other side of the story and see objectively.
  • Develop your organisation skills. 
  • Make clear and strong decisions.
  • Actively listen to others while they are talking.

2) Notice any thoughts or sensations that come up about one or more of them and mark them down.

3) Reflect on them and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which one is the most important and why?
  • What do I need to do to heal, or develop in this area?
  • What am I able to do on my own, and do I need extra support from friends, family or professional coaches, therapists or energy healers along the way?

4) Set a clear intention for the year to work on this.

5) Make an action plan.

  • Create small and big steps you can do daily, weekly, monthly etc.  to carry out your intention.
  • Define the frequency and length you’ll realistically able to commit to executing those steps.
  • Create a plan B for extra busy days so you don’t feel guilty for missing out.

6) Hold yourself accountable that’s most simple for you. Or if you’re getting external support, ask that person to hold you accountable.

7) Celebrate each day you’re able to carry out a small or big action step towards your intention! It’s a big deal that you’re staying on course.

8) Notice any changes about yourself when you’re challenged around your focus area. For example, if your intention is to become more patient, then how would it make you feel if your table at a restaurant were to be delayed by an extra 30 minutes? How you would react is a sort of status update on your intention and what you need to work on. 

9) Keep going and make any modifications necessary for you to continue carrying out your intention for the rest of the year (or the duration you’ve committed to).

10) Do a year-end evaluation wearing observation-only glasses and celebrate any improvements, even if they are small! Check-in with yourself at that point and see where it takes you.

Lead image courtesy of By Charlotte UK.


  • Corie Chu

    Corie Chu is a Reiki Master Teacher (RMT), Numerologist, Intuitive Energy Healer, Meditation Facilitator and Wellness Enthusiast. Corie has taught internationally, at Hong Kong's Largest Outdoor Wellness Festival, IRIS: Your Escape, The Garden Gathering, The Yoga Room, Naked Hub, WeWork, Reiki Rays’ Online Healing Summit, and with various wellness brand partners such as Caelum Greene. She has also been featured as a "Master of Wellness" at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. Corie spent most of her life living in Los Angeles and moved back to Hong Kong to get in touch with her roots. When she's not facilitating private energy healing sessions, numerology consultations or teaching classes at Corie Chu Healing, her studio based in Central, she loves writing, discovering new ways to promote our well-being and drinking tea. You can follow her on her wellness adventures on Facebook and Instagram.

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