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Welcome to BeWater Martial Arts and Wellness, Hong Kong’s first and only studio offering the combination of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira, Yoga and Movement. Our curriculum and programs are specifically tailored to make you work hard and effectively. We train in an environment that is not only immersive but also educational and safe. And under the tutelage of the most qualified teachers and instructors in Hong Kong, we guarantee fast progress because, at the end of the day, results speak for themselves.
Harvey Nichols' luxury organic & toxin-free beauty and skincare ranges section.
Harvey Nichols' luxury organic & toxin-free beauty and skincare ranges section.
Beyond Fitness & Thai Boxing is a fitness studio offering Muay Thai and bootcamp classes.
Beyond Meat US-based company that makes a whole range of vegan plant-based protein options including a Beyond Chicken and a Beyond Beef series. They are distributed in Hong Kong by Green Monday and retail at select CitySuper stores and Green Common Concept Store. Update July 2015: no longer available at CitySuper.
出售Beyond Meat (以植物製成的肉類代替品) 的美國公司,製造各種純素植物蛋白質產品包括Beyond Chicken(雞肉代替品)和Beyond Beef (牛肉代替品),其產品經"綠色星期一"分銷至香港各區,並於部份CitySuper分店和Green Common Concept Store有售。
Luxury organic & toxin-free beauty and skincare ranges sold online and at various locations.
Luxury organic & toxin-free beauty and skincare ranges sold online and at various locations.
Luxury organic & toxin-free beauty and skincare ranges sold online and at various locations.