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Amico Studio

Amico Studio is a yoga and dance studio offering hot yoga, warm yoga, flying-yoga, pre-natal yoga, Latin dancing, belly dancing and Zumba classes.

2-4/F, 167-169 Hennessy Road
+852 2827 9233
Amours Antique

Vintage clothes.


G/F, 45 Staunton Street
+852 2803 7877

Chain of health food shops (originally from US) with organic food products and eco-friendly home products. They also carry eSpring water filters.

+852 2969 6300
Anahata Yoga

Anahata Yoga offers yoga classes.

18/F, One Lyndhurst Tower, No 1 Lyndhurst Terrace
+852 2905 1822
Ananda in the Himalayas (India)

Organic, eco-friendly luxury Ayurvedic spa & wellness retreat in the Himalayan hills.


+91 124 4516650
Ananda Yoga

Ananda Yoga is a yoga studio offering hatha yoga, power yoga, prana yoga and yin yang yoga classes.

33-34/F, 69 Jervois Street
+852 3563 9371
Angela Lau Dance Studio

Anegla Lau Dance Studio is a Latin dancing studio.

4A, Wing Wong Commercial Building, 557-559 Nathan Road
+852 9038 0608
Anhao Wellness

Anhao Wellness is a yoga and fitness studio offering reformer pilates, bootcamp, Zumba, power yoga, mat pilates and TRX classes.

5 Ladder Street
4/F, Sunny Sky Center
+ 852 6397 8284