Green Peng Chau Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote public awareness and environmental education on Peng Chau. They also aim at developing a sustainable environment and economy through ecotourism, organic farming and green market. They offer tours and hikes around Peng Chau showcasing the history of the island.
Growing Smart is a blog and organization focusing on permaculture through programs, workshops and volunteer activities.
Hong Kong social enterprise promoting rooftop urban farming.
Hong Kong Horticultural Therapy Centre
Hong Kong's organic certification body, run in conjunction with Hong Kong Baptist University.
KFBG plays an active role in promoting the conservation of biodiversity in Hong Kong, raises awareness about sustainable agriculture and promotes creative nature education. They run organic farms and organize community activities and farmers markets. Great for family day trips and for agricultural & farming education. They also run the Sun Garden Cafe- a health-conscious, vegetarian and mostly organic light meal restaurant.
嘉道理農場暨植物園在推廣保護香港生物多樣性擔擔任一個積極的角色,旨於提升對可持續發展農業的關注,並宣傳創意自然教育。設有有機農場、組織團體活動和農夫市場,歡迎家庭樂和農業教育團。亦有經營Sun Garden Cafe,提供健康、有機的素菜小食。
Nature's Harvest is a working organic farm, certified by HKORC, with an organic vegetable delivery service. Their online shop, at, carries organic and socially conscious teas, organic grocery items, and eco-friendly home cleaning supplies. In addition, they are open for visitors, can host group activities like DIY herbal teas and potted plants 101, provide organic farming workshops, and have a farmland rental program.
New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association is an NGO that provides rehabilitation services for people in recovery of mental illness. They run many homes across Hong Kong and have created various social enterprise programs to engage their patients to provide them work opportunities. They run the Farm Fresh 330 health food chain, the New Life farm which grows local organic produce, the Bright Buy product line and the organic soy milk brand O'Beans. New Life also operates New Life Farm where they promote a host of eco-tourism activities.
為精神病患者提供復康服務的非牟利機構,在香港各地設有中心,並推行多個社會企業計劃,為復康人士提供工作機會。新生精神康復會亦有開辦健康食物連鎖店Farm Fresh 330,提供本地農產品、Bright Buy系列和O'Beans出品的有機豆奶,同時亦有開辦生態旅遊。