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Manipura Wellness Practice

Manipura Wellness Practice is a well coaching center also offering iridology, Bach remedies, crystal healing and Kirtan session. It is run by Cristina Rodenbeck.

提供訓練,亦提供虹膜學、巴赫花精療程、水晶高頻治療和曼陀羅唱誦課程,由Cristina Rodenbeck經營。

+852 9126 3747
Maya Health Institute

Founder and Director of Maya Health Institute, Homeopath Dr. Sonal Hattangdi-Haridas has been in private practice for over 17 years offering homeopathic treatment of allergies, recurrent infections, ADD and ADHD. Maya Health Institute stocks a wide range of homeopathic remedies, choice supplements and health foods. All products are carefully handpicked from trusted sources in the EU, USA and Australia.

20/F, Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger Street
+852 3568 3135
Mind Body Colon Cleansing Centre

Colon hydrotherapy centre.

8 Hankow Road
+852 2805 7535
Mindfulness Made Easy

Mindfulness Made Easy is a 6-week course created by Mindfulness Instructor, Elena Foucher that offers participants stress-lowering techniques and emotional stability practices to meet specific goals. Training includes in-person or Skype sessions, online support and access to mindfulness content including personalized tips.

+852 5441 7133
Mineralysis Food Allergy Testing

Mineralysis have been providing service to the general public, health professions, hotels, clinics and hospitals since 1998 via its highly accurate and reliable hair, urine and blood test for screening of food allergy, heavy metal poisoning, mineral imbalance, drug abuse. We also provide genetic DNA test to check the personalised nutritional requirement, fitness status, sport type and injury risk.

1103 Luk Yu Building, 24-26 Stanley Street
+852 2865 7073
My Body

My Body is wellness, physiotherapy and pilates service provider for women only, they focus on pre- and post-natal mums. They do not have an office and instead travel to you anywhere in Hong Kong.

+852 9186 6551
Native Essentials

Hong Kong luxury skin care with essential oil bases- they also offer bespoke blends and products. Available for online order and at select retail locations like Sparadise.


Sparadise G/F, 21 Mosque Street
+852 2780 1234
Natural Healing

Colon hydrotherapy centre (known as Hong Kong Colon Hydrotherapy Centre) & holistic medicine centre (known as Optimum Health Centre).

亦稱為Colon Hydrotherapy Centre和Optimum Health Centre。

2/F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 - 58 Jardine's Bazaar
+852 2577-3798