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Greeners Action

Non-profit dedicated to raising environmental awareness and advocating greener living.


Shop 304 Lei Cheng Uk Arcade
+852 8330 0461
Greenpeace HK

Greenpeace is an independent international organisation that seeks to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace across the globe through non violent protests and campaigning.


852+ 2854 8300
Greenwoods HKUSU

Conservation non-profit that is organized by the Hong Kong University Students Union.


Phone not listed
Heroes Too Foundation & TheMessageBottle

The Heroes2 organization focuses on addressing deforestation through tree planting and buy-a-tree programs across the world with an Asia and mainland China focus.



Room 1001, Wo Hing Commercial Building, 11-15 Wing Wo Street
+852 2461 0208
HK Shark Foundation

Charity dedicated to marine life conservation with a focus on overfishing and shark fin trading.


Suite 2406, 9 Queen's Road
+852 2810 6765
Living Islands Movement

Non-profit dedicated to promoting safe and sustainable development on all of Hong Kong's islands with a focus on Lantau.

+852 6349 1083
Living Lamma

Living Lamma is an NGO dedicated to waste and conservation issues on Lamma Island. The organization puts together beach cleanup events, lobbies the government regarding destructive property development plans and works to try and rally support and funding for pro-ecology campaigns.

Phone not listed
Ocean Recovery Alliance HK

Ocean Recovery Alliance is an NGO focused on finding ways to clean what is already in the ocean and inspiring ways to prevent its ecosystem impact on land.


Ocean Recovery Alliance,
+852 9020 3949