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513 Paint Shop
Paint shop stocking toxin-free, VOC free, and environmentally friendly paints made in Iceland and Sweden using clean energy. Paint tinting is done in Hong Kong and delivery takes 3 to 4 days. Located in PMQ.
PMQ, S513, 35 Aberdeen Street
+852 2155 2282
eico (HK) Limited

eicó Paints are a line of indoor and outdoor paints offering many finishes and hundreds of color choices. Paints are water based and 100% acrylic, as well as being odorless they contain no formaldehyde, and are low in VOCs. They also have a line of low VOC spray paints.

eicó Paints are made in Iceland and Sweden using renewal power sources and are shipped to Hong Kong using space that would have otherwise been empty to decrease the paint's carbon footprint.



Evergreen Mansion 2B, 12 Yip Fat Street
+852 5367 6716
Live Zero Hong Kong

Live Zero is Hong Kong's zero waste lifestyle shop offering alternatives to single use plastic items such as metal straws, beeswax food wrap, reusable cups, non-disposable utensils and more. They also offer eco-friendly products like eco paint and handmade baskets.

S102 1/F PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street
Phone Not Listed
Natural Living

Large selection of eco-friendly home products with particular focus on non-VOC natural paints from Germany, water filter systems, air purifier and natural cleaning products. Useful for green DIY fans. Order online or visit their Wong Chuk Hang shop.


8/F, Sungib Industrial Centre, Wong Chuk Hang Road,
+852 2847 3378