Range of glass bottles and containers with silicone covers (including baby bottles, tupperware, and water bottles) in various shapes and sizes. Contact them through their Facebook page.
出售一系列附上矽樹脂保護層的玻璃樽和容器 (包括嬰兒奶樽、特百惠家居用品和水樽),有多款形狀和尺寸選擇,可透過其Facebook主頁與店家聯絡。
Children's lamps made from 100% recycled plastic.
Live Zero is Hong Kong's zero waste lifestyle shop offering alternatives to single use plastic items such as metal straws, beeswax food wrap, reusable cups, non-disposable utensils and more. They also offer eco-friendly products like eco paint and handmade baskets.
Microforests is a social enterprise that provides employment training and job opportunities for marginalized and disadvantaged low-income women through the creation of micro terrariums. They both sell the terrrariums and host workshops for people to learn funded by the sales of their micro terrariums and workshops.
NO!W No Waste offers you sustainable products for a zero waste lifestyle. All our products are eco-friendly & plastic-free to reduce the waste that you produce every day. Save money. Save our planet. Save our future.
Locally made bamboo products, soaps and towels.
Paper-Roses is a stationery design house based in Hong Kong. We specialise in creating unique, hand-illustrated greetings cards, note cards, gift wrap and gift tags, which we print on 100% recycled paper, using environmentally friendly printing techniques.
Plastic-Free HK sells sustainably-designed, ecologically crafted products, that encourage sustainable living and the reduction of waste.