Asian green business directory for companies involved in sustainable industries such as clean tech, green building, carbon audit, recycling and more.
Ecopoint Asia is a website dedicated to serving sustainability professionals, leaders and businesses across Asia. They have a directory of professional services all with a commitment to sustainability.
Ecosol’s vocation is to manage environmentally friendly projects in Hong Kong and China. Ecosol also provides carbon footprint reduction programs, consulting services and published the Going Green Hong Kong books in 2007 and 2009.
Ekowarehouse is the world's first Global B2B eMarketplace for certified green/organic/fair trade/ecolabel products & materials, connecting buyers and suppliers across the supply chain from farmers, producers and manufacturers to wholesalers, retailers and brand creators.
Ekowarehouse是全球首個國際B2B(公司對公司)的網上買賣市場,專門針對有認可證明的綠色 / 有機 / 公平貿易 / 有環保標籤的產品和物料,同時聯繫買賣家和供應鏈,當中包括農夫、生產商、製造商、批發商、零售商和商標創作者。
Marketing, PR and event management firm for green, organic and natural brands in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific.
The Hong Kong Emission Exchange operates an emission trading platform and environmental trading market. Trading focuses on environmental commodities trading. HEX is also focused on working with China to develop the world's largest carbon trading platform.
Previously a private home recycling service, HK Recycles has pivoted their business model and now provides commercial recycling and waste management services for residential, office, retail and industrial buildings that include waste logistics, waste tracking data and employee/stakeholder education.
Hong Kong based consultancy & social enterprise platform focused on connecting ethical and local food producers to the wider Hong Kong public, as well as providing an awareness-building platform for food sustainability issues; they co-organize the food/farmers' Tong Chong Street Market (read our full review).