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HK Fitness

Level 3 qualified Personal Trainer offering one-on-one sessions from my small home studio in South Lantau. Wether you are looking to lose weight, gain muscle, maintain current fitness levels or more I am here to help. I also offer outdoor bootcamp classes at various locations and indoor circuit classes.

2/F 50 Tong Fuk
+852 5335 3005
Lights Out Hong Kong

LIGHTS//OUT is an immersive experience driven by music and grounded in boxing. You will find elements of strength and conditioning, Hiit, AMRAPs, and pyramids throughout the classes. The playlists, the lights, the bags... everything is designed to move with you as you punch, jab, and sweat your way through 8 rounds of hard hitting fun. 

3/F Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Street
+852 2512 2262
Live On Sports and Fitness

Live On Sports and Fitness is a fitness studio offering bootcamp, pilates, Salsa and Power Yoga classes.

5th Floor, Azura Building, 2A Seymour Road
+852 6388 2488
New Territories Bootcamp

New Territories Bootcamp offers bootcamp classes, contact via Facebook or email.

Phone not listed
Outdoor Fitness

Offers bootcamp classes, TRX, BoxFit and Aquafit in Sai Kung.

Wai Man Soccer Pitch
+852 9043 4674
Perun Fitness

Perun Fitness is a fitness studio offering TRX and bootcamp classes around Lantau in parks and on beaches. They also offer personal training sessions around the city.

+852 6443 6597

PRIMAL FIT is an outdoor fitness company. We offer group training sessions, private group sessions and one to one sessions. Our sessions are predominantly bodyweight based workouts.

+852 6629 9554
Pyramid Fitness

Pyramid Fitness is a fitness studio offering personal training and bootcamp classes.

+852 6292 5702