Certified single-source and certified organic arabica coffee beans roasted in Indonesia. Order online.
Monthly coffee bean subscription service, offering 2 x 250grams of roasted beans sourced from across the US and Europe.
提供每月咖啡豆訂購服務,出售由美國和歐洲入口的2 x 250克咖啡豆。
Africa Coffee + Tea is a supplier of African coffees and teas from Africa including Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda while supporting farming cooperatives to provide livelihood for African women.
Monthly coffee subscription service for locally roasted artisanal coffee. Monthly or biweekly delivery options available for both home and office. Formally known as White Owl Coffee.
Online shop offering locally roasted coffee and a large selection of coffee equipment.
Cafe Davi is specialty coffee purveyor in Hong Kong offering Colombian single origin locally roasted beans. The work directly and ethically with Colomiban farms and are part of the Direct Trade network and the Farmers Fairly Paid (FFP).
香港精品咖啡承辦商,出售來自哥倫比亞、並於本地烘焙的單品咖啡,Cafe Davi與哥倫比亞農場直接合作,並確保買賣過程乎合道德標準,同時時直接貿易和農夫公平買賣的一份子。
Monthly coffee bean subscription and delivery service from local craft coffee companies.
An online store which provides single-origin coffee beans / drip bags / coffee equipment for manual brew. Roast upon orders. Free delivery.
售賣自家烘焙的精品咖啡豆, 掛耳包和手沖咖啡工具。逐單烘焙, 免費送貨。