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Today’s word is: flexitarian /ˈflɛksɪˈtɛərɪən)/
- An individual who follows a mostly vegetarian diet but will eat meat/animal flesh/fish occasionally; sometimes known as a semi-vegetarian. There are no strict rules as to how often or how little a flexitarian will eat meat/animal flesh/fish.
- An individual who follows a mostly vegetarian on their own but who may consume meat/animal flesh/fish at social or business occasions with the aim of being flexible whilst being entertained/invited by others for a meal.
The Flexitarian Diet was published in 2008 which brought the term ‘flexitarian’ to mass media attention. Flexitarians are often criticized for straddling the best of both worlds being neither strictly vegetarian nor omnivorous. Nonetheless, flexitarians do contribute positively toward environmental campaigns against relying on a mostly meat-based diet.
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photo credit: J. McPherskesen via photopin cc