Green Queen Trend Report 2020: Our 15 Eco Wellness Predictions Are Here!

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Every January we make our trend predictions for the coming year. We’ve been doing it since 2016 and we’re proud to say that we’ve been right on the money every single time so…you’ll definitely want to check them out. With 2020 being the start of a new decade, we’ve delved a little deeper. This year, we’re got 15 predictions across food, travel, fashion, beauty, fitness, health and more, with a special feature on every trend. Find out what’s going to define the way you live in our global overview below.

2020 Trend #1: Diversity & Inclusion Permeates Fashion & Beauty

In the consumer world this year, we’re set to see Diversity take over the Fashion and Beauty Industries – this means inclusivity will become a keyword for companies more than ever before.

2020 Trend #2: Explosion Of Sustainable Fashion

Thanks to increasingly eco-conscious shoppers demanding transparency and measurable impacts from companies’ sustainability commitments, 2020 will bring about an Explosion in Sustainable Fashion.

2020 Trend #3: Supply Chain Traceability Will Take Over The Conversation

Similarly, greener consumers are pressuring companies to commit to sustainability in a big way, which will ramp up the focus on supply chain Supply Chain Traceability and Product End-of-Life Disposal in a big way.

2020 Trend #4: Travelling More, Flying Less, Offsetting It

While people will continue to travel more, Flying Less & Carbon Offsetting your transport and holiday choices will become big trends, as a raised awareness about our own individual environmental footprint becomes impossible to ignore.

Green Queen 2020 Trend Predictions The Greenification Of Swag 2

2020 Trend #5: The Greenification Of Swag – Corporate Gifting Goes Eco

Businesses all over the world will be feeling the pressure to turn towards more eco corporate giveaways, giving rise to the Greenification of Swag.

2020 Trend #6: Widespread Eco-Anxiety

An uptick in awareness about the degrading planet, which will reach new heights at the beginning of this decade, will bring on Widespread Eco-Anxiety.

2020 Trend #7: The Quest For Cleaner & Safer Air

This anxiety will fuel environmental concerns across the board – such as air pollution, which will drive the upcoming lookout or Quest for Cleaner & Safer Air.

2020 Trend #8: Seafood As We Know It Is Dead

Eco-anxiety also encompasses worries about the depletion in ocean biodiversity, plastic pollution and the health concerns about consuming microplastics, which will wake diners up to the fact that Seafood As We Know It Is Dead.

2020 Trend #9: Wellness Returns To Breath

Within the wellness space, the overall current will be driven by a Return to Breath, with a conscious focus on breathing defining our overall health and wellbeing conversations and activities.

2020 Trend #10: Nature-Based Fitness Takes Over

Alongside this change will be the uptick in Nature-Based Fitness – the fitness crowd will take their workouts outdoors as they look for more meaning and connection to nature in everything from running to gymming.

2020 Trend #11: Climate Resistant Crops Are The Future Of Food

Major innovations will take place in the food space this 2020 – watch out for the buzz around incorporating more Climate Resistant Crops to make our global food system more sustainable.

2020 Trend #12: The Smartification & Personalisation Of Food

We’ll see the rise of nutrition-focused Smartification & Personalisation of Food as consumers become even more health conscious, and the nutrition and food science world moves away from one-size-fits-all approaches.

2020 Trend #13: Say Hello To Cultivated Everything – The Rise Of Slaughter-Free

Expect loads more lab-grown meat – no doubt this trend is already well on its way. But get ready see the the cell-based industry expand beyond meat to everything from breast milk to fabric – it’s time to Say Hello To Cultivated Everything.

2020 Trend #14: Plant-Based Goes Mass, Affordable & Accessible

With more and more alternative plant-based foods flooding the market, thanks to veganism going mainstream, we’re set to see Plant-Based Foods Going Mass, Affordable & Accessible at the start of this new decade.

2020 Trend #15: The Rise Of Media You Can Trust

And finally, 2020 will be the year that fake news will find itself in crisis. In line with the general sentiment in favour of authenticity, this year will usher in the Rise Of Media You Can Trust.

Lead image: graphics and photo composite created by Green Queen Media.


  • Green Queen Team

    We INFORM. We INSPIRE. We EMPOWER. Founded by serial entrepreneur Sonalie Figueiras in 2011, Green Queen is an award-winning sustainability & impact media platform advocating for social & environmental change in Asia. Our mission is to shift consumer behaviour through our authentic, original and ground-breaking content.

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