10 Super Simple Daily Health & Fitness Habits To Kickstart This January

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We hope all of you had a merry holiday season and enjoyed the festivities with plenty of delicious, wholesome, plant-based food alongside meaningful conversations and happy memories. Now, we’re saying hello to 2020 – a brand new decade – which means that it’s the perfect time to get started with our new year goals. We know that it can be hard to find motivation and drive after the Christmas fun is over, so here are 10 super easy daily habit ideas to get you fit and healthy this January.

1. Drink more water

Source: Pexels

Many of us fail to get our proper hydration in. While we all know the saying to get at least 8 glasses of water in daily, make it a goal to consciously drink more water. Start each day with a glass of water, and make sure you keep sipping throughout the day by bringing a reusable water bottle wherever you go.

2. Walk everywhere

How many of us manage to get our steps in? It’s unfortunately all too easy to end up indoors all day and spend hours sitting in front of a screen nowadays. Make it your goal this year to get up at least every once in a while, or break up your days with short mini walks, and choose to walk more instead of taking the bus or car. 

3. Veganise your plate 

Source: Unsplash

We are what we eat! So it’s important that we fill our plates up with nutritious, whole plant foods instead of meat, dairy and over-processed ingredients. Studies have shown that plant-based meals are not only correlated with better health and lower risk of heart and other long-term diseases, but leave a much smaller footprint on our planet. It’s a win for both our health and the planet’s! 

READ: #Veganuary2020: A Beginner’s Guide To Going Vegan In 8 Easy Steps

4. Get more sleep

Too many of us simply never get enough hours of recharge every night. It’s time to be consistent in 2020 – set out a plan to allow yourself a good amount of sleep each night, and try to make it a regular pattern. It might require you to move some of your daily activities around, or start practicing a wind-down routine earlier in the evening. 

READ: 7 Ways To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene: How To Get Better ZZZs

5. Start and end the day with a stretch

Source: Pexels

Spend 5 minutes each morning and 5 minutes before you go to sleep to stretch and breathe. It’s a good time to take a moment out, completely away from our phones, emails and screens, to focus on all the tension our bodies are feeling and begin and end each day the relaxing way. 

6. Take the stairs over the escalator or lift

This is a super easy habit to kickstart to make sure you’re getting enough movement in each day! Hong Kong is full of escalators and lifts, but make it a habit to walk the stairs whenever it is possible. While your legs might burn, your heart will thank you for the mini workout each time. 

7. Spend less time on your phone

Source: Unsplash

Digital detox, anyone? A big part of our health and fitness is making sure that our emotions and wellbeing are in check. Spending too much time on our phones to scroll through social media, making endless comparisons, or simply wasting too much time online isn’t always the most beneficial activity. Cutting some of that time out by setting a reminder on your phone when you’ve spend a certain number of minutes on an app is a great way to keep your online use in check. 

READ: What Is A Digital Detox And Why Do You Need One? The Rise Of Social Media & FOMO

8. Cook more 

A really easy way to make sure you’re living a healthier life is simply by cooking more of your meals in the comfort of your own home. Stock your pantry with plant-based food staples, and whip up some delicious whole food vegan meals. It’s the best way to know exactly what ingredients are in your food, and make sure that you’re getting a great rotation of different nutrients (get all your colours in!). Check out all our amazing plant-based recipe ideas!

9. Bring “emergency” snacks around with you

We all get mid-afternoon hunger pangs once in a while, or perhaps you’re feeling a bit peckish after a small breakfast. Make it a habit to bring around a small jar or box of healthy vegan snacks with you, so you don’t end up reaching for something else. Great ideas include carrot sticks with hummus and rye crackers, some fruit, or a handful of nuts and seeds. Plus, having these snacks in your bag on the ready means you’re less likely to buy anything packaged, so you can tick the box for your low-waste goals too!

10. Keep your indoor air fresh 

While we can’t exactly control the air outside of our homes, we certainly can freshen and clean up our indoor spaces to make sure that we’re breathing in healthier air. A great and easy way to do so is to adopt a collection of toxin absorbing and air pollution cleaning plants, or perhaps invest in an effective air purifier.

Lead image courtesy of Pixabay.


  • Sally Ho

    Sally Ho is Green Queen's former resident writer and lead reporter. Passionate about the environment, social issues and health, she is always looking into the latest climate stories in Hong Kong and beyond. A long-time vegan, she also hopes to promote healthy and plant-based lifestyle choices in Asia. Sally has a background in Politics and International Relations from her studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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