New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (NLPRA)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association is an NGO that provides rehabilitation services for people in recovery of mental illness. They run many homes across Hong Kong and have created various social enterprise programs to engage their patients to provide them work opportunities. They run the Farm Fresh 330 health food chain, the New Life farm which grows local organic produce, the Bright Buy product line and the organic soy milk brand O'Beans. New Life also operates New Life Farm where they promote a host of eco-tourism activities. 


為精神病患者提供復康服務的非牟利機構,在香港各地設有中心,並推行多個社會企業計劃,為復康人士提供工作機會。新生精神康復會亦有開辦健康食物連鎖店Farm Fresh 330,提供本地農產品、Bright Buy系列和O'Beans出品的有機豆奶,同時亦有開辦生態旅遊。

33 San Fuk Road
+852 2461 8385